

16-17 October, 2024

Piešťany, Slovak Republic

Use of unmanned technologies in the context of services and security challenges in the V4 countries

Organized by:


18-19 October, 2023

Piešťany, Slovak Republic

Use of unmanned technologies in the context of services and security challenges in the V4 countries

Organized by:

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The DRONTEX conference is a professional platform for sharing of experience and information among experts in unmanned technologies and representatives of state institutions and non-profit organisations from the V4 countries aiming to support drone economy development.


Konferencia DRONTEX má ambíciu vytvoriť odbornú platformu pre zdieľanie skúseností a informácií medzi odborníkmi pre bezpilotné technológie, predstaviteľmi štátnych a neziskových inštitúcií s cieľom podporiť rozvoj dronovej ekonomiky na Slovensku

V Asociácii Mám Dron vnímame obrovský potenciál bezpilotných technológií a ich využitia v rôznych druhoch priemyslu a služieb. V zahraničí táto téma rezonuje čoraz intenzívnejšie na odborných medzinárodných a lokálnych konferenciách a veľtrhoch. Aj to je znakom rozvoja, ktorý tento segment v dnešných časoch zažíva.

Keďže na Slovensku chýba podujatie podobného typu, veríme, že konferencia DRONTEX túto medzeru zaplní a ponúkne priestor pre komunikáciu a spoluprácu odborníkov z oblasti výroby, distribúcie a služieb spojených s UAV.

Konferenciu Drontex sme navrhli ako jednodňovú akciu, ktorá bude rozdelená do troch tematických blokov. V rámci nich na pódiu vystúpia odborníci z oblasti vývoja bezpilotných technológií, manažmentu bezpilotnej prevádzky a predstavitelia firiem ponúkajúcich UAV aplikácie pre geodéziu, kartografiu, energetiku a služby. V prípade úspechu nultého ročníka konferencie máme ambíciu pokračovať v nastavenej línii a vytvoriť tak na Slovensku tradíciu podujatia s vysokou pridanou hodnotou pre celú dronovú komunitu.

Rastislav Sopko

Riaditeľ Asociácie Mám Dron



Unmanned Traffic Management in the V4 countries

Current drone legislation in the EU

UTM within the context of drone services


Drones in energy, construction and other industries

Development of drone services through autonomous operations

Academic research and development of unmanned technologies and its contribution to practical use


Security threats and challenges related to the use of unmanned technologies

Role of drones in the state security structures

Drones in security applications



Veliteľstvo vzdušných síl OS SR

Global UTM Association

R-SYS, s.r.o


Rohde & Schwarz


Schiebel Aircraft GmhH


18 October


8:40 - 9:30 Arrival and registration

Registration is open from 8:40 – 9:30 at the conference venue – in the Elektrárňa Piešťany premises. To be able to register, you will be required to provide your first and last name or an electronic or a printed ticket (a QR code).

9:30 - 9:40 Opening of the conference and welcome speech

The conference will be opened by the President of the Mám Dron Association Rastislav Sopko and the event ambassador  Brig. Gen. (ret.) Ing. Ivan Bella, and hosted by Ján Mečiar.

9:40 - 9:45 Address by Maria Algar Ruiz, EASA Drone Programme Manager

A short video address by Maria Algar Ruiz from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)


9:45 - 10:05 U-space – From a concept to its implementation / Vladimír Foltín (EASA)

Vladimír Foltín from EASA will present the current status and possibilities of U-space implementation

10:05 - 10:20 Make aviation for the digital age / Koen de Vos (Global UTM Association)

In his video address, Koen de Vos – Secretary General z Global UTM Association (GUTMA) will talk about digitalization in modern aviation in relation to unmanned aerial systems

10:20 - 10:40 Where exactly is Slovakia on the path of UAS integration into the airspace? / Štefan Dusza (Letové prevádzkové služby SR, š.p.)

Efficient and safe integration of unmanned aircraft and unmanned aircraft systems into the current aviation system is one of the basic prerequisites for a functioning drone economy. Individual EU member states exert maximum effort to integrate UAS into their airspace with utmost priority.  JUDr. Štefana Dusza, MBA, Head of the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Department at LPS SR, looks in his presentation for answers to the basic question: Is Slovakia ready for an astronomical increase of drone operations in its airspace?

10:40 - 11:00 ANS CR activities in relation to U-space / Radek Hodač (ANS CR)

Ing. Radek Hodač from ANS CR will present current and planned activities leading to the implementation of U-space in the Czech Republic

11:00 - 11:20 Coffee break

Tasty coffee will be available for conference participants throughout the event.

11:20 - 11:40 iConspicuity for General Aviation / György Blazsovszky (Hungarocontrol)

György Blazsovszky will talk about iConspicuity in Hungarian airspace in his presentation.

11:40 - 12:00 Development of UTM and U-space solutions by Pansa / Rafał Paprocki (PANSA)

In his presentation, Rafał Paprocki will focus on the history – the reasons standing behind the phenomenon of polish UAV flight numbers, on present – how we coordinate more and more advanced UAV flights; and on fututre – what is our view on future UTM and U-space.

12:00 - 12:20 Experience with UTM U-space implementation in the Mam Dron project / Marek Náhlik (R-SYS, s.r.o.)

Ing. Marek Náhlik in his presentation will present how the implementation of the UTM solution within the Slovak MamDron project was carried out.

12:20 - 12:40 Technologies that enable control and security in the airspace: Remote ID, ADS-B/FLARM - from the concept to the case study / Rafał Słoń, Konrad Cioch (Aerobits)

Rafał Słoń , Konrad Cioch (Aerobits)

Safety in the airspace is the most important goal of the avionics industry, including manned and unmanned air traffic. The technologies developed by AEROBITS are a response not only to the needs of users but also to changing legal regulations.

Rafał Słoń and Konrad Cioch  invite you to listen to the presentation in which they will talk about strategic technologies that are the pillar of Aerobits solutions.

12:40 LUNCH


13:40 - 14:00 Use of drones and modern mapping tools in the management of golf courses / Igor Kajan, Jozef Soták (UAVIS)

A turf is the pride of every golf course. Jozef Soták (General Director of Tále a.s.) and Igor Kajan (Chief Operating Officer, UAVIS s.r.o.) will talk about daily challenges faced by golf course managers in their pursuit of the turf perfection, and how drones together with modern mapping tools can assist in their endeavour.

14:00 - 14:20 How to accelerate production and reduce costs using drones in the automotive industry? / Gergely Ellenrieder (Aeriu)

Aeriu is a Hungarian drone service provider that focuses on services for Tier 1 automotive suppliers. Gergely Ellenrieder will introduce case studies on why and how drones help improve warehouse logistics processes.

14:20 - 14:40 Drones in energy sector: new opportunities and innovative methods in ZSD and VSD / Jozef Tóth (VSD), Adam Broš (ZSD)

The presentation of Jozef Tóth and Adam Broš will introduce the possibilities of using BVLOS flights in automatic mode by electrical distribution companies, and the conditions necessary for their real-life deployment including their possible impact on internal processes and the external market of UAS service providers.

14:40 - 15:00 AVAG – a cloud platform for drone data operations / Marek Růžek, Miroslav Štaubr (Airview)

Marek Růžek and Miroslav Štaubr from the company Airview  will present the AVAG cloud platform developed for work with digital models, orthomosaics, point clouds, 360 panoramic photos, and inspection photos on base maps with WMS services.

15:00 - 15:20 Coffee break

Tasty coffee will be available for conference participants throughout the event.

15:20 - 15:40 Development of the Airwolf manned drone / Jiří Zachardala (UDX)

Jiří Zachardala from the Czech company UDX research will introduce you to insights from the development of Airwolf, a product that should change the way we think about how we travel in the years to come.

15:40 - 16:00 Teams of Agile Autonomous Drones Fully Protected Against GNSS Spoofing and Communication Jamming in Industrial Applications / Martin Saska (ČVUT)

In his presentation, Martin Saska from ČVUT, will talk about Applications of fundamental research of multi-robot systems in indoor documentation of large historical objects (cathedrals) by formations of cooperating MAVs, a cooperative inspection of underground mines inspired by the DARPA SubT competition, localization and interception of unauthorized drones, aerial firefighting, radiation sources localization, power line inspection, and marine teams of cooperating heterogeneous robots. 

16:00 - 16:20 DB Schenker - Volodrone case study / Nuri Morava (DB Schenker)

In his presentation, Nuri Morava will present the possibilities of integrating drones into logistics processes based on the experience of the cooperation between DB Schenker and Volocopter.

16:20 - 16:40 From vision to mission - Drones as part of space exploration / Martin Jančo, Vladimír Pšenák (M2M Solutions)

What role do drones play in space exploration? This question will be answered in his presentation by Ing. Martin Jančo and Ing. Vladimír Pšenák, PhD. from M2M Solutions.

16:40 BREAK






19 October


9:30 - 9:40 Opening speech
9:40 - 10:00 Safety of air traffic and UAS / Mário Malatinec (Air Force Headquarters, Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic )

mjr. Ing. Mário Malatinec from the Flight Safety Department of the Air Force Headquarters will explain the rules for flying unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in the vicinity of military airports as stated in the amendment to the Act on the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic no. 321/2002 Z. z.. Moreover, as drones become more and more affordable, he will talk about the increase in the number of UAS flights without a permit, the inability of the Slovak Republic to respond flexibly due to current legislation, and the impact of such UAS flights on air traffic safety.

10:00 - 10:20 Training organization for Unmanned Aircraft Systems operators within the Department of Defense/ Vladimír Kulpa, Matúš Grega (Armed Forces Academy of the Slovak Republic (AOS SR))

Vladimír Kulpa and Matúš Grega from AOS SR will introduce the Training Organization for Unmanned Aircraft Systems operators, its position and operations, and its incorporation into the structure of AOS. They will also talk about the contents and designation of the certified course for members of the Department of Defense in BUQ I and BUQ II, the authorization and competences of a UAS operator within Armed Forces, and the potential for a training organization for BUQ III and BUQ IV and the expansion of its capacity by implementing synthetic training environment for both fixed and rotary wings.

10:20 - 10:40 Unmanned Helicopter applications in Defence and Security / Luboš Šrámek (Schiebel Aircraft GmbH)

The CAMCOPTER® S-100 is the most advanced tactical rotary wing Unmanned Air System available on the market. The majority of the more than 400 produced units operate in the Defence and Security sector, for e.g. border surveillance and Search and Rescue. Ľuboš Šrámek will introduce this technology and its use in his presentation.

10:40 - 11:00 Countering rogue drones off the standard frequencies / Stephan Kraschansky (Aaronia)

As usage of unmanned aerial systems is getting more and more, so are the counter measures. Technically, skilled adversary will avoid the usage of standard off-the-shelf products at all costs. In conclusion, the ability to do full spectrum passive RF Drone detection and full spectrum RF mitigation is crucial, when speaking about cUAS. True to our motto „Seeing is believing” the unique capabilities of AARONIA AARTOS cUAS will be unveiled live within the presentation of Stephan Kraschansky.

11:00 - 11:20 Coffee break

Tasty coffee will be available for conference participants throughout the event.

11:20 - 11:40 Use of drones in event security / Ákos Haramia (Aliter Technologies)

Ákos Haramia from the company Aliter Technologies will introduce methods of using drones in supervision of large events using traditional and tethered drones, in securing connections in densely populated places or in places with no signal.

11:40 - 12:00 Smart countering of UAV activities in critical infrastructure / Heiko Nissen (Rohde & Schwarz)

Since flying drones nowadays is affordable for almost everyone, a lot of misuses is detected by e.g. critical infrastructure operators, due to clueless, careless, but also criminal drone operators. Reliable UAV detection and smart countering, but also the capability to distinguish between approved and unauthorized flights are key to success. Heiko Nissen from Rohde & Schwarz will tell the conference participants more about this topic.

12:00 - 12:20 Raybird 3 - unmanned aerial systems for different long-range reconnaissance missions for civil and special applications / Roman Kniazhenko (Skyeton LLC.)

Roman Kniazhenko – CCO Skyeton LLC.

(title of the presentation will be added later)

12:20 - 12:40 The threats generated by drone technology and ways to counter them / Robert Fintak (Terra Hexen)

The development of drone technology is changing our world every day, it can be described as affecting us in the same way that the Internet has affected us. Unfortunately, the technology also has two faces, a light and a dark one. The presentation of Robert Fintak will be about showing the different types of dangers, accidents, incidents and attacks using drones and how to counter these threats.

12:40 LUNCH


13:40 - 14:00 Advanced ATM/UTM solutions for the state/emergency services and other DCM (Domestic Crisis Management) specific needs / Tomáš Schóber (R-SYS)

Tomáš Schóber included in his presentation information on ways to integrate drone management in crisis and special operations.

14:00 - 14:20 Secure and safe UAV operation in the Hungarian drone ecosystem / Olivér Takács (Széchenyi István University Digital Development Center)

In his presentation, Olivér Takács will talk about security risks, cybersecurity, safe operations and airspace in the Hungarian drone industry. He will also present Széchenyi István University’s dual-use drone projects and the role of the Hungarian Drone Coalition and future plans for safer and better drone operations.

14:20 - 14:40 Operational risk assessment of drones in EASA specific category using Copernicus data / Ján Čerňan (Egis)

The implementation of Regulation (EU) 945/2019 and (EU) 947/2019 in Slovakia will bring a number of changes to the flying rules, especially for commercial drone operators. For flights in EASA special (specific) category, it will be mandatory to assess the risks associated with the flight. EUSPA, in cooperation with Egis and FlyingBasket, is looking at ways in which data from the European Copernicus system can speed up this process. More about this topic will cover Ján Čerňan in his presentation.

The deployment of drones in government and critical infrastructure protection can have a number of specifics, where are the weak and strong points? What is the practical experience and where is the development heading? Jaroslav Řešátko will offer answers to these questions in his presentation.

15:00 - 15:20 The use of drones in documenting and analyzing traffic accidents / Tomáš Korbeľ (Automotive Solutions4u)

Documenting the scene of a traffic accident immediately after its occurrence is a non-repeatable task, the quality of which has a significant impact on the accuracy, precision and conclusions of the technical analysis of the course of a traffic accident. Expertise in the analysis of the course of a traffic accident is mainly used in criminal and administrative proceedings of the parties involved. Ing. Tomáš Korbel, PhD. from Automotive Solution4u, s. r. o. in his presentation will point out the effectiveness of drones in collecting data necessary for a thorough and modern technical analysis of the accident process in road traffic.

15:20 END

We continue to work intensively on the programme…

Change of the program reserved


16-17 October, 2024

Elektrárňa Piešťany

Registration will open soon


Attendance at the conference in Elektrárňa Piešt’any

Welcome drink, meals, coffee and snacks, evening program and networking

Materials from conference organizers and partners

Parking in a reserved parking lot


For the participants of the event we offer discounted accommodation in the conference partner hotel: HOTEL PARK PIEŠŤANY ****

Single and double rooms are available.



Realizované s finančnou podporou Ministerstva obrany Slovenskej republiky v rámci dotačného programu. Za obsah tohto dokumentu je výlučne zodpovedná asociácia Mám Dron.







How to get here

By train, bus

The Elektrárňa building is located about 100m from the main station in Piešt’any.

By car

We have reserved parking at the Main Station for conference participants.

There will be navigation boards at the station and in the parking lot and designated staff available to DRONTEX participants

Venue of the conference

Elektrárňa Piešťany
Staničná 2334/51

Slovak Republic