

16-17 October, 2024

Piešťany, Slovak Republic

Use of unmanned technologies in the context of services and security challenges in the EU

Organized by:


18-19 October, 2023

Piešťany, Slovak Republic

Use of unmanned technologies in the context of services and security challenges in the V4 countries

Organized by:

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The DRONTEX conference is a professional platform for sharing of experience and information among experts in unmanned technologies and representatives of state institutions and non-profit organisations from the V4 countries aiming to support drone economy development.


Konferencia DRONTEX má ambíciu vytvoriť odbornú platformu pre zdieľanie skúseností a informácií medzi odborníkmi pre bezpilotné technológie, predstaviteľmi štátnych a neziskových inštitúcií s cieľom podporiť rozvoj dronovej ekonomiky na Slovensku

V Asociácii Mám Dron vnímame obrovský potenciál bezpilotných technológií a ich využitia v rôznych druhoch priemyslu a služieb. V zahraničí táto téma rezonuje čoraz intenzívnejšie na odborných medzinárodných a lokálnych konferenciách a veľtrhoch. Aj to je znakom rozvoja, ktorý tento segment v dnešných časoch zažíva.

Keďže na Slovensku chýba podujatie podobného typu, veríme, že konferencia DRONTEX túto medzeru zaplní a ponúkne priestor pre komunikáciu a spoluprácu odborníkov z oblasti výroby, distribúcie a služieb spojených s UAV.

Konferenciu Drontex sme navrhli ako jednodňovú akciu, ktorá bude rozdelená do troch tematických blokov. V rámci nich na pódiu vystúpia odborníci z oblasti vývoja bezpilotných technológií, manažmentu bezpilotnej prevádzky a predstavitelia firiem ponúkajúcich UAV aplikácie pre geodéziu, kartografiu, energetiku a služby. V prípade úspechu nultého ročníka konferencie máme ambíciu pokračovať v nastavenej línii a vytvoriť tak na Slovensku tradíciu podujatia s vysokou pridanou hodnotou pre celú dronovú komunitu.

Rastislav Sopko

Riaditeľ Asociácie Mám Dron



Unmanned Traffic Management in the EU countries

Current drone legislation in the EU

UTM within the context of drone services


Drones in energy, construction and other industries

Development of drone services through autonomous operations

Academic research and development of unmanned technologies and its contribution to practical use


Security threats and challenges related to the use of unmanned technologies

Role of drones in the state security structures

Drones in security applications



Air Force Headquarters SR

KTH Royal Institute of Technology 

Air Navigation Services CR




European Commission


16 October


8:40 - 9:30 Arrival and registration

Registration is open from 8:40 – 9:30 at the conference venue – in the Elektrárňa Piešťany premises. To be able to register, you will be required to provide your first and last name or an electronic or a printed ticket (a QR code).

9:30 - 9:40 Opening of the conference and welcome speech

The conference will be opened by the President of the Mám Dron Association Rastislav Sopko and the event ambassador  Brig. Gen. (ret.) Ing. Ivan Bella, and hosted by Ján Mečiar.

9:40 - 9:45 Address by Maria Algar Ruiz, EASA Drone Programme Manager

A short video address by Maria Algar Ruiz from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)


Better Safety Through Affordable Interoperability / Vladimír Foltín (EASA)

Vladimír Foltín from EASA will discuss the positive impact that low-cost technological convergence can have on the interoperability of General Aviation and drones. Additionally, he will introduce EASA’s initiative to promote the voluntary use of electronic conspicuity among pilots in all airspaces. These efforts aim to enhance situational awareness and overall safety for everyone.

ANS CR activities in relation to U-space / Nikol Vašutová (ANS CR)

Nikol Vašutová will present the current state and planned activities leading to the implementation of U-space in the Czech Republic.

The CORUS Five project: Developing European U-space concept of operation / Andrew Hately (EUROCONTROL)

The CORUS five project will bring the SESAR U-space ConOps up to date and will explicitly look at the challenges of scaling up the traffic, integration of UAS with other aviation as well as convergence of UAS traffic management with current Air traffic management. The presentation will Andrew Hately discuss the challenges ahead and how the project aims to address them.

The EU Drone Strategy 2.0 Implementation / Elina Millere (European Commission)

In her presentation, Elina Millere will present the latest information and challenges related to the implementation of the Drone Strategy 2.0 from the perspective of the European Commission


Drones in energy sector: BVLOS inspection flights / Jozef Tóth (VSD)

Jozef Tóth will present aspects related to the preparation for the operation of UAS for the performance of BVLOS inspection flights in power line corridors, as well as the first experiences from such flights.

Drones in energy sector: Innovative methods in ZSD / Peter Mančuška (ZSD)

Milestones, goals and benefits of UAVs in the ZSD as well as first flight experiences will be presented by Peter Mančuška from Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s.

Unlocking the potential of unmanned aerial systems: key challenges for the segment / Štefan Dusza (ZEPHYR UAS)
Confined space inspections using drones / Matúš Sura (Terradron)

Terradron s.r.o. is one of the first professional drone companies in Slovakia. Matúš Sura will introduce a new service for industrial indoor inspections using drones, enabling precise and detailed analysis of technical infrastructure and hard-to-reach or hazardous areas. The presentation will include examples of completed projects that have enhanced safety, efficiency, and significantly reduced inspection and maintenance costs for industrial facilities.

Digital twins in manufacturing operational excellence / Michal Ukropec (Twinzo)

The presentation from Michal Ukropec will cover these topics:

  • Differences in approaches to digital twins – planning, simulation, prediction, real-time/live 
  • Live digital twins in the manufacturing world 
  • Examples from existing projects and where is the money



"C-3 Project – Defense for Life" - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Climate Change Research / Raffaello Mariani (KTH Royal Institute of Technology – Higher Education and Research)

The talk of Rafaello Mariani presents an 18-months project of the development of a fixed wing unmanned aerial vehicle platform for measurements of atmospheric gas concentration. The project is a collaboration between KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, and Universidad EAFIT, Colombia, under the patronage of SAAB AB, Sweden.

RX32 GAMEon - Glider for Atmospheric Measurements and Experiments / Jonas Quinque, Fabian Franz, Felix Lorch (REXUS_GAMEon)

The GAMEon experiment, building upon the GAME mission (RX25), developed a self-stable and autonomous microglider platform. Ejected from a Rexus Rocket at 69 km altitude, the microglider reached an apogee of 75 km. It autonomously transitioned from high-speed vacuum conditions to stable flight, steered to target coordinates, and communicated flight data via a self-developed system before retrieval. This project will be presented at the conference by Fabian Franz, Jonas Quinque and Felix Lorch.

"Beyond the Horizon: Exploring Novel BVLOS Opportunities at SDU and Denmark’s Drone Innovation Hub / Robert Oliver Ladig (University of Southern Denmark)

Dr. Robert Oliver Ladig wants to introduce you to the bustling Drone innovation hub, that is the area in and around Odense, Denmark. Delve into details of the BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight) airspace available north of the Danish island Funen, and learn how it can drive cutting-edge drone research and testing, using the research field of aerial manipulation as an example.

16:40 BREAK



17 October


Safety of air traffic and UAS / Mário Malatinec (Air Force Headquarters, Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic )

mjr. Ing. Mário Malatinec from the Flight Safety Department of the Air Force Headquarters will explain the rules for flying unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in the vicinity of military airports as stated in the amendment to the Act on the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic no. 321/2002 Z. z.. Moreover, as drones become more and more affordable, he will talk about the increase in the number of UAS flights without a permit, the inability of the Slovak Republic to respond flexibly due to current legislation, and the impact of such UAS flights on air traffic safety.

Development of advanced UTM systems and tools for law enforcement and rescue agencies in Poland / Rafał Paprocki, Michał Lewandowski (PANSA)

Rafał Paprocki and his colleague Michał Lewandowski in their presentation will talk about how PANSA approaches the UTM system also from a security perspective.

Innovative Approaches to Drone Detection and Tracking: Synergy of Sensors for Enhanced Airspace Security / Tomáš Schóber (R-SYS)

Tomáš Schóber from R-SYS included in his presentation information on ways to integrate drone management in crisis and special operations.

12:20 LUNCH

Cybersecurity? Yes, for everyone! / Tomáš Hettych (Cybersecurity Competence and Certification Center)

The amendment to the Cybersecurity Act and the new EU NIS2 legislation significantly expand the number of obliged entities (Essential Service Providers) and cybersecurity requirements. Manufacturing, technology and commercial companies, among others, will be added. New processes, tools and new job roles are needed.
How to prepare for the new requirements? Where, when, with whom and how to start? Tomáš Hettych, COO of KCCKB, will answer these questions in his presentation.

Autonomy and AI in defense and security UAV applications / Jozef Rodina (Airvolute)

Modern AI-based autopilot solutions bring unmatched possibilities to UAV operations. Autonomous inspection, surveillance, security control of assets, GNSS-denied flights, or automated target-acquiring; many of these features would not be possible without modern UAV solutions like Airvolute’s DroneCore autopilot and family of UAV systems. Jozef Rodina (Airvolute) will present the integration of these features in modern UAVs for various use cases in the defense and enterprise sectors. 

Electrical safety of drones (EMC, LVD, RED) / Tomáš Kakula (Technical Testing Institute Piešťany, Inc.)

Tomáš Kakula will present the fundamental requirements for the safety of drones in the fields of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electrical safety (LVD), and communication standards for radio equipment (RED) when placing products on the market in the European Union.

We continue to work intensively on the programme…

Change of the program reserved


16-17 October, 2024

Elektrárňa Piešťany

Registration will open soon


Attendance at the conference in Elektrárňa Piešt’any

Welcome drink, meals, coffee and snacks, evening program and networking

Materials from conference organizers and partners

Parking in a reserved parking lot


For the participants of the event we offer discounted accommodation in the conference partner hotel: HOTEL PARK PIEŠŤANY ****

Single and double rooms are available.




Patronage over the event was taken over by the Trnava Self-Governing Region

Special partner of the conference is the Polish Embassy in Bratislava







International academic research will also be well represented in DRONTEX 2024 The activities of research groups around the world are enabling new …

The conference will provide the latest information on U-space The integration of manned and unmanned operations and the setting of technology and …

DRONTEX Conference this year also with online stream After last year’s experience, when many interested parties, especially from abroad, could not physically …



How to get here

By train, bus

The Elektrárňa building is located about 100m from the main station in Piešt’any.

By car

We have reserved parking at the Main Station for conference participants.

There will be navigation boards at the station and in the parking lot and designated staff available to DRONTEX participants

Venue of the conference

Elektrárňa Piešťany
Staničná 2334/51

Slovak Republic

Conference Pass - 275€
Live stream Pass - 85€

Valid until 20.09.2024

Conference Pass - 275€
Live stream Pass - 85€

Valid until 20.09.2024