
This year's edition of the DRONTEX conference will last two days, and targets experts from the V4 countries

Drones in the state administration, services and security being a broad topic affecting all EU countries, this year’s edition of the DRONTEX conference offers room to share experience among experts in unmanned technologies, drone operation and services from several European countries, mainly from the V4 area.

To fulfill this ambition, the Mám Dron Association has established cooperation with drone associations from the Czech Republic (UAVA CZ), Poland (Polska Izba Systemów Bezzałogowych) and Hungary (Drón Koalíció) in order to offer the event participants an international perspective on this rapidly developing industry.

In addition to presentations by representatives of EASA, GUTMA and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) from all four countries, the program will include interesting speeches by representatives of companies dedicated to drone management systems in the airspace and advanced drone services.

Conference Pass - 275€
Live stream Pass - 85€

Valid until 20.09.2024

Conference Pass - 275€
Live stream Pass - 85€

Valid until 20.09.2024